
Creating meaningful change means organizing in our own communities on issues that affect our rights, our opportunities and our lives. People For the American Way leads a range of campaigns to support constitutional values under attack and to counter right-wing extremism. From fighting for a democracy that works for everyone to challenging attacks on equal rights, all of our campaigns are aimed at making strides toward a country where the promise of America is real for all Americans. Read more about our campaigns and get involved below.

Our Campaigns

Defend Our Democracy

It's long past time that our democracy work for every single person - not just the wealthy and powerful.

Take Back Our Courts

We're fighting for courts that are fair, just, and work for all of us.

Defending Religious Liberty

Religious freedom is at the heart of the American ideal, but some seek to turn religious liberty from a shield into a sword that individuals and corporations can use to harm others by exempting themselves from laws that promote the common good.

All Safe: Transforming Public Safety For All

The goal of All Safe: Transforming Public Safety was to provide concrete policy proposals for the transformation and implementation of public safety programs specifically at the local level.

Support Our Work

PFAW’s mission and our work to defend our rights and values depend 100% on the support of progressives like you.


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